Termite control can be tough for a non “pest control” technician, moreover, if you’re searching for termite control you probably didn’t consider termite treatment beforehand. Termites can be devastating to a home, read on to learn more.
Termite Infestation

A termite infestation can cause serious damage to any structure on your property. Even if a structure doesn’t appear to be wood on the outside typical construction uses wood beams inside of walls & ceilings. Termites cause more damage financially then hurricanes, floods, and fires combined. Due to their small bodies, white coloring, and underground colonies, termites are hard to detect until you have a serious problem.
Types Of Termites
There are three main species of termites that are found in Houston. They are drywood, dampwood, and subterranean termites.
Drywood termites are a creamy white to light brown in color and can range from a quarter inch long to one inch. When drywood termites become adults they are oval shaped and their body is thicker. They have six short legs and their antennae and wings are equal in length. They are found in California, Hawaii, Texas, Florida, and the Carolinas. Their diet consists of cellulose, which they find in wood. Drywood termites do not make their colonies underground like most termite species do. Drywood termites like to make their homes in any wooden structure. This can range from the framing of your home, furniture or even to picture frames hanging on your walls. They prosper best in dry, hard wood.
Dampwood termites are dark to light brown in color with either a red or yellowish hue. Their wings are dark brown and they are measured to be between three quarters of an inch, up to an inch long. Dampwood termites are the largest out of the three termite species most found in Texas. Just as the name suggests, dampwood termites feed off of wet, moisture filled, damp wood. They are found mostly in coastal areas. Due to their love of moist wood, most regular wooden structures are safe from dampwood termites. Some places that dampwood termites cause the most amount of damage in are utility poles, old trees, wood fences and fence posts, stumps, pilings, logs, porches, old subflooring, and sheds. Allowing your homes gutters to get clogged with leaves can also attract dampwood termites because ofall the moisture building up. Dampwood termites build their colonies within the wood they are eating and wherever there is access to a regular source of water. They can be found along the coast of southern California, extending to the Texas Gulf Coast.
Subterranean termites cause the most amount of damage out of all the termite species. The color depends on the type of subterranean termite. They can range from a creamy white color, light yellow, brown, or dark black color and their wings tend to be brownish or gray. They are between a quarter of an inch to three eights of an inch long. These termites form their colonies underground, which is why they are so destructive. You will not notice them until they have destroyed the wood from the inside out. Like dampwood termites, subterranean termites need moisture to survive. This is why they choose to live in the moisture rich soil. If the soil in an area is dry these termites will find leaky roofs, clogged up gutters, areas with faulty plumbing, or even air conditioning units to make their homes in. They also build mud tubes to keep them safe while looking for food that is above ground. Subterranean termites are found all over the Unites States and are a nuisance to all.
Do It Yourself Or Hire Termite Control Service (Pest Control)

The good news is that you can start termite control yourself, right at home as there are ways to prevent your residence from getting infested with termites (This is better known as termite treatment). Before we go into greater detail on this consider hiring a Houston termite control service like Republic Pest Control Houston as they can quickly determine whether or not you have a termite infestation and quickly spot where your termite problem is coming from, moreover, they can offer one-on-one pest control and termite treatment tips exclusive to your home design and location.

- Make sure to clear out all debris from your lawn. This includes branches and tree stumps. If you have a woodpile try to keep it at least thirty feet from your home. Placing rocks as a barrier between any wood you may have and the soil can help prevent termites from crossing over and entering your home.
- Ensure that all cracks, crevices, nooks, and crannies are all sealed up. Termites can enter a crack as small as 1/32 of an inch. Also make sure to seal other entry areas like utility and water lines.
- Areas leaking water need to be addressed. This includes faucets, drains, pipes, gutters, and air-conditioning units.
- Keep leaves, mulch, and fallen tree limbs away from your homes foundation. Using rubber mulch or crushed rock is a great alternative to using wood mulch.
- Take a walk around your residence and make sure to acknowledge any areas that may have excess moisture. Pay special attention to the areas that may be causing water damage to the wood in your home or flooding your lawn. Both dampwood and subterranean termites love all the moisture they can get so limiting excess moisture around your home is essential to preventing termites.
- Ensure that you are checking and cleaning your gutters regularly. Clogged up gutters can create moisture issues in your roof and within your homes walls. Having clogged gutters can also cause rain water to not disperse correctly, which can create water pooling around your foundation, attracting termites.
- Maintain bushes and shrubbery that are close to your home and keep them well trimmed. This allows the sun to make contact with the soil around your home and foundation, keeping it dry and without excess moisture.
- Make sure to keep up with any home repairs needed like roof damage, foundation damage, or exterior wall damage. Any type of damage to a home left unrepaired can lead to an extensive termite infestation.
- Water damaged wood also needs to be addressed and fixed immediately. Moisture filled wood is just begging to be overrun by termites.
- Try to keep your home as humidity free as you can. The use of dehumidifiers and air conditioners is suggested.
- Finally, the most important deterrent to preventing termite infestations is to have a regular pest control maintenance service. For prevention is it recommended to have service once every three months. If you find that you already have a termite infestation then it is wise to have pest control service once a month for at least three months, up to six months, depending on the severity of the infestation. Termites can be quite a nightmare but with the right tools in place you can keep them from destroying your home.

Do you have termites, suspect a termite infestation or just need peace of mind? Republic Pest Control Houston (a branch of Republic Pest Control) has decades of experience and the tools necessary to solve any termite problem. Call today for a termite inspection at 281-740-0114. Want to learn even more? Learn how to identify and control them straight from the EPA.